

We value Prayer

We believe the greatest thing a church can do for a person is to assist them in developing a true prayer life. We have family prayer every Wednesday night, and it is our desire to be a praying church.

We value the work of Gods Spirit

We encourage the operation of the Spirit of the Lord in the church. We seek to be a church that is both filled with the Spirit and led by the Spirit of the Lord.

We value God’s Word

The Bible is our manual for life. One of the most important things a church can do for people is to teach them how to read the Bible for themselves. Because we value teaching, we take time on Sunday Morning for Bible teaching. We also teach Home Bible studies and small group Bible studies that lead people though the Word systematically on a very practical and personal level.

We value Making Disciples

We are in Ames for the purpose of making disciples. We believe that you get the most out of life when you have a mentor in front of you and a disciple behind you. We teach classes that encourage disciples and assist them as they grow.  We assist in the building of healthy relationships within the church body.  Life change happens within the context of relationships.

We value Children and Students

Children and students are important at New Life Church. We have a strong Sunday School and student ministry program that brings the word of God to them on their level. Our goal is not just to teach them Bible stories, but to also teach them Bible principles, giving them an overview of Scripture.  This helps them to be able to read the Bible for themselves, which allows them to learn to follow the leading of God’s Spirit.

We value Team Ministry

There is no “one” important person in this church. We value spiritual leaders and are open to their input. We are fortunate to have many strong spiritual leaders at New Life Church.

We value North American and Global Missions

Our desire is to see the Ames community reached with the gospel.  We also have a vision to help plant new churches in surrounding communities. In addition to North American Missions, we also value Global Missions and continue to be a church that sends support overseas.